How Sue Grey became conspiracy theorists’ go-to lawyer

Recently, Sue Grey has been responsible for spreading misinformation and bringing lawsuits against NZ’s successful vaccine rollouts and mandates. But this isn’t where she began her contentious career.

Members of Fact Aotearoa were watching Sue Grey before the pandemic so weren’t surprised to see her turn her legally combative ways to the anti-vaccine movement. Sue has backed pseudo-scientific causes for many years, such as being anti-5G, Chemtrails, 1080, and is a pusher of the New World Order conspiracy theory. 

Sue is revered by those in the anti-vax movement as a hero, but she has not been shy about working with people with far more dangerous ideas. She’s known to have rubbed shoulders with  known white surpemiscists Kyle Chapman, Lee Williams, and far-right wannabe-insurrectionist and Counterspin co-host, Kelvyn Alp.

Two FACT Aotearoa spokespeople, Andrew Mackie and Nick Wilson, shared their knowledge with Stuff’s Kirsty Johnston of Sue Grey, cult hero of the so-called “freedom” movement.

Read Just asking questions: How lawyer Sue Grey became the hero of New Zealand’s conspiracy underbelly now.


See our other FACT Aotearoa coverage of Sue Grey here: